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Shock Tactics - Review @ BleedingCool

by Hiddenx, Friday - April 14, 2017 10:45

BleedingCool reviewed the turn-based strategy game Shock Tactics:

If ‘Starship Troopers’ Had A Purpose, ‘Shock Tactics’ Might Be It

Shock Tactics is a turn-based strategy game where you will command soldiers to achieve certain missions. You’re part of the Free Space Pioneers who explore new planets and help protect them. Essentially, you look for new alien tech while protecting colonization and mining facilities from alien threats, as well as rival troops from the Imperial Consortium. There’s a lot to be explored and protected and none of it comes easy. Some missions are simple like killing all the enemies and staying alive. Others not so much as they become time-sensitive and require quick and decisive action to make them happen.


Overall, Shock Tactics is fairly well done and gives a nice variety of issues to overcome as an individual and a team. Aside from the problems I had above, there’s a lot to be discovered in the game as you wind your way to the eventual goal of having successful missions for the company and unraveling what the aliens are doing on this hostile world. As well as what the rival factions are trying to pull off. Highly recommend for people who enjoy these games, but I also acknowledge that it may not be everyone’s taste.

Score: 8/10

Shock Tactics - Release Day

by Hiddenx, Tuesday - April 11, 2017 11:23

The turn-based strategy RPG Shock Tactics will be released today:

Shock Tactics is a single player turn-based sci-fi strategy game with tactical combat, exploration, squad management and base building. It is inspired by the space western style of Firefly and tactic games like Jagged Alliance and X-COM.


You are a trailblazer for the first wave of the free Space Pioneers that are exploring an ancient alien homeworld. In their centuries-old struggle with the dictatorship of the Imperial Consortium, this planet is the first real hope of finding a new home for their people.

  • Challenging squad tactics combat: Lead your strike team against smart enemies that employ a large array of tactics. Know your enemy, build a strategy, rule the battlefield.
  • Exploration is key: The world map is full of mysterious landmarks containing alien technologies and ancient secrets that you can unravel to become strong enough to tip the balance of fate.
  • Procedurally generated world map: You never know what you will find when exploring the world. This makes strategic decisions unique for each game session and leads to a high replayability.
  • Strike team progression: Harness the power of the alien artifacts, unlock unique abilities and build your group of soldiers into a fierce strike team as you explore the planet.
  • Base building: Expand your base with structures to build advanced weapons, develop sophisticated healing capabilities and research alien technologies.
  • An immersive story woven into the open world: You are dragged into the struggle for the New World’s future while trying to stay alive in the middle of an escalating war between the Space Pioneers and the Imperial Consortium.

Shock Tactics - Out Next Week

by Silver, Friday - April 07, 2017 21:57

@PCGamer Shock Tactics will be released April 11th and the Steam page is now available but not yet open for pre-order.

Indie developer Point Blank Games announced today that Shock Tactics, the turn-based tactical combat game that blends XCOM-style battles with exploration elements and "intricate squad management," will be out on April 11.

Shock Tactics puts players at the head of a team of Free Space Pioneers-essentially a gang of mercenaries sent to explore and scavenge a recently-discovered alien world. But they're not the only ones of the scene: The Imperial Consortium, pirates, and even aliens are all after the same lucrative treasures, and not afraid to get their light-fingered hands dirty.


Shock Tactics - Preview @GameGrin

by Silver, Thursday - February 23, 2017 23:10

GameGrin has previewed Shock Tactics and finds it a promising title that wears its XCOM influences proudly.

"All units can use all weapons and armour, regardless of class, so players are free to choose how they will equip their squad" Leonard tells me. "You have three abilities that are class-related, and three slots that are unlocked with level and can then be trained. You can also change them later in the game."

One of these abilities is the awesome teleportation skill, that allows your soldier to place three beacons and teleport to each of them in quick succession, shooting whichever enemy is closest to each one. Leonard utilises this to clear out half an enemy squad, before losing an allied mercenary to enemy gunfire.

Although the game is focused on aggressiveness, it is not meant to be frustrating and punishing. Whenever your soldiers die, you got three turns to reach them and stabilise their vitals, meaning they get to rest for a few days in a hospital instead of a cemetery. The campaign also keeps the difficulty slightly in check: "It starts with a tutorial, and then the player gets a story about why they're there and it sets up the game. It tells them what they have to do, and then we basically let the player loose." Leonard says. "He can explore the planet and choose the missions, they're pretty free at this stage. And then, the Consortium invasion fleet is coming to the planet, and the player has 70 days to prepare. So these 70 days are like the exploration phase of the game, and after those 70 days, his outposts get attacked by the Consortium and the enemy troops get way stronger."

A new gameplay trailer was also released recently.


Shock Tactics is a turn-based sci-fi strategy game with squad management, exploration, base building and tactical combat that captures the heat of the battle while maintaining fluid gameplay.


Shock Tactics - Available First Quarter 2017

by Hiddenx, Sunday - September 11, 2016 12:56

The Strategy RPG Shock Tactics will be available in the first quarter of 2017:



Writing Bull Preview [German]:


Shock Tactics is a single player turn-based sci-fi strategy game with tactical combat, exploration, squad management and base building. It is inspired by the space western style of Firefly and tactic games like Jagged Alliance and X-COM.

You are a trailblazer for the first wave of the free Space Pioneers that are exploring an ancient alien homeworld. In their centuries-old struggle with the dictatorship of the Imperial Consortium, this planet is the first real hope of finding a new home for their people.

  • Challenging squad tactics combat: Lead your strike team against smart enemies that employ a large array of tactics. Know your enemy, build a strategy, rule the battlefield.
  • Exploration is key: The world map is full of mysterious landmarks containing alien technologies and ancient secrets that you can unravel to become strong enough to tip the balance of fate.
  • Procedurally generated world map: You never know what you will find when exploring the world. This makes strategic decisions unique for each game session and leads to a high replayability.
  • Strike team progression: Harness the power of the alien artifacts, unlock unique abilities and build your group of soldiers into a fierce strike team as you explore the planet.
  • Base building: Expand your base with structures to build advanced weapons, develop sophisticated healing capabilities and research alien technologies.
  • An immersive story woven into the open world: You are dragged into the struggle for the New World’s future while trying to stay alive in the middle of an escalating war between the Space Pioneers and the Imperial Consortium.

Information about

Shock Tactics

Developer: Point Blank Games

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Sci-Fi
Genre: Strategy-RPG
Combat: Turn-based
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2017-04-11
· Publisher: EuroVideo Medien