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One Way Heroics - Review @ RPG Crawler

by Hiddenx, Saturday - May 25, 2019 17:23

The RPG Crawler checked out the indie RPG One Way Heroics:

Indie Game Friday - One Way Heroics


A look at one that's been out for a few years now, a minimalist rpg involving one way movement through a world.


One Way Heroics - Plus: Expansion released

by Arhu, Thursday - August 20, 2015 14:33

IndieGames reports that an expansion to the ever side-scrolling roguelike One Way Heroics  was released earlier this week on Steam in the form of downloadable content, called One Way Heroics Plus.

One Way Heroics Plus

One Way Heroics is a cross between a JRPG and a roguelike, the result of developer Smoking WOLF's desire to make a sidescrolling RPG. It came out in February of last year and proved to be one of the most unique indie games of 2014. Now One Way Heroics has an expansion, One Way Heroics Plus, that adds tons of new content and some new mechanics.

For those unfamiliar with the base game, One Way Heroics takes place in a setting where darkness is slowly eating every world in every dimension and the player must stay ahead of the darkness until they can find and defeat the villain. It's story light, with a focus on procedurally generated worlds and the risks of trying to get new and better loot, maintain the loot the player already has, and juggle getting more experience with surviving. Many of its menus and systems scream JRPG, but it's grid-based and every step or action taken uses up a turn. Every couple of turns, the darkness advances from left to right, scrolling the world with it. If the player gets caught by the darkness, they lose. If they run out of HP, they lose.

One Way Heroics Plus adds new content in the form of three new character classes to choose from, more items, more skills, more NPC types, and new tilesets.

Here are some reviews for the base game, since we didn't report about it before:

  • RPG Fan: 83%
  • "One Way Heroics is a hidden gem. The gimmick truly works here and adds a dimension not otherwise available in roguelikes or any other game, really."
  • Critically Sane: 4/5
    "For the price, $3.50 full price, this is a great little game to pass the time. (..) the daily dimensions offers limitless replayability."
  • USGamer: 3/5
    "While ugly and unforgiving, One Way Heroics is nonetheless an enjoyable, addictive and innovative take on the crowded roguelike genre."
  • RPG Site: 8/10
    "It may not look that pretty, and the world doesn't seem all that well put-together no matter how it's generated, but for a game offering this amount of quality and only costs under $2 to purchase, that's a strong enough reason to give the game a try."
  • 3.5/5
    "+ Easy to pick up and play, + Optional challenges increase replayability, - Small. Could benefit from more everything, - Lackluster localization"
  • Steam user reviews: Overwhelmingly positive

The base game is 75% off at Steam this week for less than 1$, the expansion is 10% off for about 5 bucks.

Information about

One Way Heroics

Developer: SmokingWOLF

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Roguelike
Combat: Turn-based
Play-time: Unlimited
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2014-02-28
· Publisher: Steam